GPTDrive - Privacy Policy - Google API Services User Data Policy

As developers of GPTDrive, we recognize our responsibility to accurately represent our identity and intent when accessing Google user data through Google API Services. Our use of these services includes Google Sign-In, for user authentication, which provides us with access to user data such as your email, id-token, and profile information. This information is not used beyond the functionality of the application and we do not have direct access to it.

This application does not collect any data at any stage. It simply facilitates smooth data transfer via your Google Drive through the Google API.

Click this link to see a video on how data flows.

Limited Use

1. GPTDrive extension signin


This button will initiate the sign-in process and prompt you to authorize access to your Google Drive account.

2. GPTDrive extension google drive button


you can save your chat to your personal Google Drive storage.

3. GPTDrive application signin


Also, you can sign in to GPTDrive application with the same account and view Google Drive data on your mobile device.

4. GPTDrive application sync button


Sync your data to Google Drive using the Sync button


Tap the filename to view the content.

(App’s) use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

Accurate Representation of Identity and Intent

We are transparent about who is requesting the data (GPTDrive), what data is requested (email, id-token, profile information), and why it is needed (for the functionality of the application). We ensure all permissions are accurately represented, maintaining confidentiality of authorized client credentials. We will not request access to data beyond the requirements of the application’s functionality and will keep you informed about any changes in our data collection practices.

Transparency with Clear Privacy Disclosures

Our Privacy Policy documents how our application interacts with user data, providing clear and prominent disclosures of our data access, use, storage, and sharing policies. The privacy policy and any in-product privacy notifications are easily accessible, ensuring that users understand the value and consequences of sharing their data with us. Any changes in our data usage policy will be promptly communicated to users and their consent will be sought for such changes.

Minimum Relevant Permissions

We adhere to the principle of minimalism in data access, only seeking permissions necessary to implement our application’s features or services. In line with this, we do not request access to data irrelevant to our application.

Prohibited Practices

We do not engage in any deceptive practices, such as misrepresentation of data collection, unauthorized aggregation, or misleading Google about our application’s operating environment. We also strictly abide by guidelines against using undocumented APIs without express permission and making false statements about entities managing our application.

Child-directed apps

Our application is not directed primarily at children under the age of 13. However, in compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), we make sure that any user data of users known to be under the age of 13 is handled with utmost care and responsibility.

Secure Operating Environment

We strive to maintain a secure operating environment, taking necessary steps to protect applications, systems, and data associated with Google API Services from unauthorized access, use, destruction, loss, alteration, or disclosure.

Additional Requirements for Specific API Scopes

If we request access to the Sensitive and Restricted Scopes of Google OAuth API, we adhere to all additional requirements outlined in each product’s User Data and Developer Policy. We ensure appropriate access, limited use, and secure data handling as per the stipulations in these policies. Our use and transfer of information received from Google APIs adheres to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.


We access Google API Services in accordance with Google APIs Terms of Service, this User Data Policy, and any Google product policies applicable to the service we use. In case of any violation, Google reserves the right to revoke or suspend our access to its services.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy or our practices, please feel free to contact us.